Website is a Huge WIP

OOC: this an experimental site made for the purposes of delivering a short story through it's main character, Daze(Daisy) Harley. This is a Homestuck fanfic essentially just delievered in an unconventional way. The website is currently in it's very early stages of construction and I'm not entirely sure where i'm going with it yet but I will try to update it semi regularly and figure out the way in which I would like to deliever this narrative. Thank you for stopping by. :)

Libra Family Therapy

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Here's how to make a list:


??????: Now why don't we start from the begining?
????: shit really ok
????: well i think it started with jade's dog being sent to earth like 100000 years ago
????: and that eventually lead to a bunch of bullshit where we ended up being created and sent back in time you know the usual, we ended up playing a game, winning and creating a whole new society, and then decided to settle down and start a nice picturesque family life
????: dave i think you're over simpliying a bit
DAVE: i mean what more is there to say really? it sucked like really sucked and everything else has been a complete and utter breeze compared to anything that came before
??????: While big picture stuff is important as well why don't we zoom in a little bit? Why don't we examine the origins of your current relationship?
??????: Help me figure out how you got here and all and what you hope to get out of this?

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

OOC: this an experimental site made for the purposes of delivering a short story through it's main character, Daze(Daisy) Harley. This is a Homestuck fanfic essentially just delievered in an unconventional way. The website is currently in it's very early stages of construction and I'm not entirely sure where i'm going with it yet but I will try to update it semi regularly and figure out the way in which I would like to deliever this narrative. Thank you for stopping by. :)